The Focus is on Conversations

This month, the focus is on conversations. Conversations with collaborators, partners, service providers, participants and readers. We have realised that though conversation is essential, it is not always easy. Especially when we want the meaning to be conveyed in the simplest of ways.

people sitting in front of wooden table
Photo by on

So we would like to share with you what we know of communication and conversations.

  1. There’s a big difference between the written and the spoken word. So, what we would have said is not what we should be writing. In this age of social media, this lesson become even more relevant.
  2. The best communication is still the one that uses simple words and short sentences.
  3. Tone of the conversation can make or break any collaboration or relationship.
  4. If what needs to be communicated is difficult, find 2-3 ways of saying it. Then choose the most amicable way.
  5. Empathise with your audience, reader, listener. What would you have understood if you were on the receiving end of this communication?
  6. Timing is important. Ask yourself, if it is the right time for the communication to happen.
  7. If it’s a f2f conversation, keep your devices away. If it’s a conversation, where lots of information is conveyed, keep a pen and paper handy.
  8. Conversation can not be one-sided. Speak as well as listen well.

The focus is on conversation, and we have 2 upcoming events that allow it.

We are having a catch up session for the Story of Me participants. This is where we extend our support circle and revisit the goals. It’s a fun session with lots of chatter, where the participants share their stories of both success & failures.

Come talk to us!-2

For those who have missed being part of the workshop, do note the next schedule.

Story of Me dates

Read more about the workshop here
Contact us:

Keep the conversations flowing!

New Workshop for Adults

Our life story is often defined by how we see ourselves, how we think others see us as, and what we have learnt from our experiences. To be content and successful, we not only need to be aware of this personal story, but we also need to frequently review it according to our current stage in life.

Join this immersive self-development workshop to review your goals and dreams. Come, reclaim your story!

